

The automobile – an engineering feat constantly evolving and impacting many aspects of humanity. It has progressed entire industries, entire livelihoods, entire passions, entire identities – around a simple machine that was once thought to be an impossible notion. With large and important influence - many sources of information exist regarding the automotive industry. Do any of these sources break down the industry from a statistical means to actually help understand the function of the automobile and the industry as a whole?

Welcome to StatsAuto. A team of industry professionals with the intent to help better inform the world of what the automobile really is and what it really will shape out to be. Utilizing meaningful statistics and insightful experiences, the goal of StatsAuto is to help create a more efficient automobile industry.

Through this journey - the average consumer will be more aware, the industry will be more transparent, and our readers will be more cognizant of how the automobile landscape is changing.

Welcome to StatsAuto.

The automobile is but the product of people's feelings. What they think, it becomes.

The Industry.

The Industry.